Pick up your 2010 Ride Schedule at Renegade Classics. 3536 So. West Temple. SLC, UT Phone # (801) 685-6222
Bike Blessing at Renegade Classics from 10am to 2pm Sat 03/20/10 3536 So. West Temple. SLC, UT Phone # (801) 685-6222
April 3rd April Fools Run Ore House #2 #801-352-9571
M.D.A. Ride 06/5/2010 See you on the Ride. Thank's for a great Day!!!!!!
Elko Motorcycle Jamboree June 18-20, 2010. Look for our Red & White booth, or our BIG ASS DO-RAG!!!
Out Rider,s Apparel & the Ladies Run of Colorado Every year since 1987 a bunch of ladies get together and plan a charity run up to Fairplay, Colorado where we inevitably take over the town for a weekend of fun and games! The ride is incredible with several scenic stops along the way! Saturday, July 10th to 11th Look for our White booth, or our BIG ASS DO-RAG!!!
THE BULL PEN RALLY Redlodge, MT From Wednesday, 14-Jul-2010 at 10:00 AM, To Sunday, 18-Jul-2010 at 04:00 PM Look for our Red & White booth, or our BIG ASS DO-RAG!!!
The Testicle Festival Rock Creek Lodge, Clinton,MT August 4-8, 2010. Look for our booth.
Lava Palooza. September 11-12, 2010 Look for our booth.
Berkley Foulks Fund Raiser Car and Bike Show. Sunday September 26, 2010 Copperton Park, Copperton Utah, Show runs from 10:00-4:00pm There will be Music, food, awards, prizes. and more. Look for our booth.